Welcome to the new Advertising Q&A Forum.
Our goal is to provide a discussion board that online business owners and potential owners will find helpful. Registration is open to everyone.
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Post only topics that are relevant to this Forum. We welcome tips that will be of value for business owners, but this is not the place to give or request product technical support.
Do not post a new topic until you have checked for an existing thread on the subject; when posting a new topic, always choose a subject line that fully and accurately describes the content.
Never post anything that is profane, obscene, hateful, sexist, or links to such content.
Do not engage in a personal attack on anyone or post anything that could potentially harm or embarrass another person.
Use proper capitalization, and never post in ALL CAPS.
Do not attempt to sell goods or services, endorse anything that you’re paid to promote, or criticize a competitor; the Internet will find you, you’ll be called out and blocked from the site.
Do not post anything that violates copyright law, or is the property of others.
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